11/2015 | 22-DEC-2015 | Sub: Change in Declared Holiday for Milad-Un-Nabi or ID-E-Milad-reg. |
10/2015 | 18-DEC-2015 | Sub. : Feclitation Cell for Cusotms clearance of Imported relief materials-reg. |
09/2015 | 04-NOV-2015 | Sub. : Export of Carpets-regarding. |
08/2015 | 20-OCT-2015 | NA |
07/2015 | 26-OCT-2015 | Review of E.P. Scheme targets in RMS/Revised role of OCC officers-Reg
06/2015 | 23-JULY-2015 | lmplementation of the Risk Management System (RMS)
in lmports -Local Risk Management System and PCA
Administration - Reg
04/2015 | 27-MAR-2015 | Achievement of Revenue Target for the Financial Year 2014-15. |
03/2015 | 27-FEB-2015 | Opening of Offices on 28.02.2015. |
02/2015 | 16-FEB-2015 | lmplementation of the Risk Management System( RMS) in Exports |
01/2015 |
16-FEB-2015 |
lmplementation of the Risk Management System( RMS) in Exports |